541-679-9569 sschenewerk@gmail.com

Last week Cindy and I met with other Northwest Baptist Convention partners and celebrated 75 years as a state/regional convention, affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. As always, the meetings were well-attended, filled with God’s presence, and full of purpose. Bryan Bernard shared a message on Tuesday night that was one of the most challening ones I’ve heard in some time. WhenI receive confirmation that the messages have been uploaded I’ll incliude a link.


It’s true: Sandra and Elizabeth – our two granddaughters are moving to the Portland OR AREA!!! (I would imagine their parents are moving as well…but you know how important grandkids are!) We are looking forward to being within a short enough distance to drive regularly and spend time with thos two!

Thanksgiving Week – Cindy and I are hosting Thanksgiving Dinner at our church on Thanksgiving Day! Nov 23, 2023 we invite you to come and have a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with us! Please call email Cindy at mycindyland@hotmail.com and let her know you are coming…we want to provide PLENTY of food!

Till next time….