541-679-9569 sschenewerk@gmail.com

Regardless on one’s assignment on any given Sunday serving is tiring. While there is often no visible sign of conflict – and if one serves a church like the one I serve – no evidence of internal conflict there is a battle. I rarely ascribe glitches in technology to overt attacks of the enemy. What I have learned, though, is that technology can bring out the worst in me. Our adversary, the devil, seizes on these opportunities to dig deep into my general insecurities.

I am not a techno guy. Yet in our church I am the defacto IT person. Yesterday for reasons beyond my ability our livestream wasn’t live. The software we use wouldn’t connect with Facebook. I’m certain there is an easy fix. Just minutes before we were to ‘go live’ the person managing the AV booth came to get me and tell me the software wasn’t connecting.

I spent three minutes trying several steps. None worked.

We went ahead without broadcasting. I forgot to hit a button that would have recorded our service. If I had done that I could have posted online today.

Particularly in areas where I have little or no knowledge or ability, as in technology, the enemy can really dig deep as I’ve indicated.

So, when a pastor – whether preaching, leading worship, serving in any capacity – experiences weariness on Monday, remember: there was a battle occuring. You probably couldn’t see it or hear it. Pray for those who serve in those capacities. The battle is real.