541-679-9569 sschenewerk@gmail.com


Earlier today on social media someone I follow posted that this was a Monday that was nearly costing them their sanctification. I replied: I lost mine between 7am and 9am this Monday morning. I spilled an entire cup of hot (yes, HOT) coffee in my lap. I don’t...


There is a new email address you can use to let us know how we can better serve you: winstoncommunitybaptist@gmail.com

Meanderings and Musings

Atlanta’s airport is not one I recommend unless you have great walking shoes! Last week I attended the Associational Mission Strategists Excellence Summit hosted by the North American Mission Board. At that conference I was reminded of the HUGE gap between...

Praying For One Another

Out of my sorrow and night give me the name Naphtali—‘satisfied with favour’— help me to love thee as thy child, and to walk worthy of my heavenly pedigree. Those words are from a collection of prayers written and shared by Puritan pastors and theologians during the...

Meanderings and Musings

Some changes to be aware of: MENS’ FELLOWSHIP BREAKFAST Sept, 16, 2023 8:00am WORSHIP TEAM REHEARSAL For all who are interested in singing and helping with audio visual technolory: Sept 16 2023 9:30am STEVE