WHY AM I PART OF THE Southern Baptist Convetion?

                  I was connected to Southern Baptist’s even before I was born. In the olden days (1950’s-forward) SBC churches often enrolled preborn children in what was called...

Holy Week

EASTER Let me encourage you this week as we contemplate the last few days of Jesus, spend some time in an Old Testament book – Lamentations. I know that’s a bit unusual for Holy Week, but I think the effort will pay important dividends. “How she sits...

“Changing our thinking…”

Brian King’s recent book, Letters to My Friends in Pain, offers the following observation: “Changing our thinking is hard, but not changing our thinking is harder.” (p. 126). If you have ever struggled with any kind of pain –...


Hard to believe…we are less than six weeks from EASTER! This winter/spring (it’s really hard to tell amidst 60 degree days!) has passed quickly. A few months ago a number of those attending answered some questions during a weekend event: Church Health...